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Thank you for your interest in applying for the awards that will be handed out at An Organic Night Out at Expo West. 

Below is information about the awards and how to apply for them.

The overarching objective of these awards is to recognize the year’s best executions in each category that, in the judges’ estimation, most creatively and impactfully elevated consumers’ and the organic industry’s understanding, awareness and excitement about the value and importance of supporting organic purchases.  Successful awardees will demonstrate how they elevated the awareness, understanding and consumption of organic to new organic consumers. 

These awards are open to US and international brands, organizations, companies, and individuals. 

People can either nominate themselves or the brand they work for, or they can nominate other individuals or brands.

Deadline to submit applications is January 10, 2025.

Click here to learn more about the event and sponsorship opportunities.

2024 calendar year (1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024)

Best New Organic Food Product: The Best New Organic Food Product will be awarded to the brand with a new food product that delivers real excitement and novelty to the market, and that creates the most positive impression of Organic ‘goodness’. This product will be appealing, beautiful, delicious and will effectively communicate the benefits of organic to new consumers. The product must have launched in the 2024 calendar year.

Best New Organic Beverage Product: The Best New Organic Beverage Product will be awarded to the brand with a new beverage product that delivers real excitement and novelty to the market, and that creates the most positive impression of Organic ‘goodness’. This product will be appealing, beautiful, delicious and will effectively communicate the benefits of organic to new consumers. The product must have launched in the 2024 calendar year. 

Best New Organic Non-food Product: The Best New Organic Non-food Product will be awarded to the dietary supplement, personal care, textile, pet food or other non-food or beverage product that delivers real excitement and novelty to the market, and that creates the most positive impression of Organic ‘goodness’. This product will be appealing and beautiful and will effectively communicate the benefits of organic to new consumers. The product must have launched in the 2024 calendar year.

Best Organic Messaging (Social Media or PR): The Best Organic Messaging award will go to the brand with the year’s most inventive and attention-grabbing campaign that shines a positive light on the benefits of organic. This campaign should be clever and able to break through the noise and clutter and leave consumers feeling inspired about organic. The messaging/creative asset(s) can be associated with a digital campaign, event, retail activation, product packaging, advertising asset or other marketing and communications material.

Best Organic Supplier: The Best Organic Supplier award will go to the supplier that has demonstrated exceptional commitment to advancing organic agriculture by providing high-quality, certified organic ingredients, materials, or services to brands, manufacturers, or retailers. This supplier will have a track record of reliability, innovation, and sustainability, and will play a key role in supporting organic supply chains. We seek to honor suppliers who not only meet the highest organic standards but also go above and beyond by supporting farmers and growers, as well as educating and inspiring their partners about the benefits of organic, contributing to the overall growth and integrity of the organic industry.  This category is for businesses without a consumer-facing brand.  

Best Organic Retailer: The Best Organic retailer will go to the retailer doing the most to advance and advocate for organic in the store through communications with consumers. This retailer will have a track record of supporting organic research and other groups within the organic industry, are vocal on advancing organic causes publicly and through support of organic legislation, in helping brands learn and grow, and in helping organic farmers. 

Most Impactful Organic Research Result or Finding: The Most Impactful Organic Research Result or Finding will be awarded to the brand, company, university or individual whose research most excites and motivates consumers, retailers, food service and restaurateurs to choose organic.  This finding or announcement could be in regard to climate benefits, soil health, nutritional quality, public health, social welfare or other topics that offer motivating and clear demonstrations of the advantages to choosing organic.  

Emerging Organic Brand of the Year: The Emerging Organic Entrepreneur of the Year will be awarded to a brand that has been in business for 5 years or less and has made significant strides in revenue growth, exposure, innovation or market penetration while leading with clear messaging about the benefits of organic. We are looking to honor creative, energized, accomplished brands or entrepreneur teams who are advancing not only their own business but consumers’ understanding or excitement about organic. 

Organic Company of the Year: The Organic Company of the Year award will go to the company that is judged to have done the most to advance interest, awareness, sales and support of certified organic products. We are looking to honor businesses that put organic in a highly positive light through traditional or digital media and PR and who do the most to help consumers understand the benefits of choosing organic. These companies will also be leaders in the industry in support of organic research and other groups helping to advance organic causes.


Do you have any questions about completing this submission form? Contact Katrina Staves at katrina@onlyorganic.org